Trying to Get Diversion for a Defendant in a Solicitation of Prostitution Case? Many people are being arrested in the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles for solicitation of prostitution. This means they agree to have some sexual encounter with either an uncovered police officer or a prostitute, and the police are arresting them for that.
So, they often don't want to sustain a conviction for that and have that on their criminal record for the rest of their lives; they're looking either to get the case dismissed if possible or get diversion.
That's what we're talking about here. How do you get diversion for a solicitation case in Los Angeles county? You do that to contact a good attorney who knows how to handle these cases.
I've been handling these cases for 26 years in the Valley, downtown Los Angeles. I know what it takes to get that diversionary sentence.
Prior Criminal Record for Sexual Related Crimes
For many years the prosecutors refused to give any diversionary sentence. For morality reasons, they wanted a conviction regarding solicitation of prostitution under California Penal Code 647(b).
Now things have softened up in that regard, and prosecutors are much more likely to consider giving a criminal defendant a break. Still, they're going to look at whether or not that person has any record for solicitation in the past, any form for any sex offense in the history, or any record at all.
If you've got a clean record, you've checked the first box to have a chance to get diversion when it comes to solicitation of prostitution in Los Angeles.
The next thing they're going to look at is whether you committed any crimes aside from the solicitation charge. If you did, that would make it a lot less likely that you're going to get that diversion because what diversion is, is you avoiding a conviction in a case.
A lot of times, I've been able to get the arrest record sealed and destroyed as well. So, when somebody looks you up, nothing comes up regarding solicitation of prostitution, which is crucial.
Chances of Being a Recidivist
When it comes to trying to get that diversionary resolution for prostitution charges, the last thing I would say is that they're going to look at you as an overall person.
This means your family, your job, and other things like that. What type of person are you? Is it likely you're going to be a recidivist and do this again, or is this a one-time aberration that will likely never repeat itself?
These are the types of evaluations that the prosecutors and judges are doing to determine whether diversion might be appropriate for you.
Of course, you need a champion. It would help if you had somebody like me who's got the background, who has the skill, who knows, who knows how to put together a mitigation package.
It would help if you had someone to convince the prosecutors to let you have a diversionary resolution instead of a straight criminal conviction on your record for something that is a huge stigma and a huge problem to you and your future.
So, if you're charged with solicitation of prostitution in Los Angeles or the San Fernando Valley, pick up the phone and call the Hedding Law Firm at (213) 542-0979. Ask for a meeting with Ron Hedding. I stand at the ready to help you.