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Case Results

No Jail Time in Federal Child Pornography Case

In this particular case, the client was charged in federal court with possession of thousands of images of child pornography.

The FBI came to his home with a search warrant and took his computers and phones as part of the execution of a search warrant.

They also took a statement from the client that was incriminating regarding admitting those were his computers and that he had downloaded the subject incriminating child pornography-related items.

The bottom line is that this particular client was in a lot of trouble, and he needed help fast. In my opinion, jumping on these cases quickly is essential to obtaining the best result.

Speaking to the agents in charge of the investigation and the prosecutor assigned to the case will put the client in a position to avoid the embarrassment and collateral consequences that are typically attendant in these serious cases.

It took many months for them to analyze the computers and data on them. This is because the experts who go through these computers and investigate these cases are extremely busy, overworked, and have limited time.

However, once they were able to evaluate everything, I received a call from the prosecutor assigned to the case. She gave me a rundown on exactly what they found, and we discussed how the case would proceed moving forward.

I was able to convince her not to force my client to plead guilty to a charge that required him to serve a minimum of five years in federal prison at eighty-five percent. Further, because I was on the case from the beginning, I was able to negotiate a release for my client while the case was pending in federal court.

This is definitely the advantage of hiring a private federal criminal defense attorney who knows their way around a child pornography case filed in the Central District of California.

My client had some specific mental issues that we used to mitigate the situation. The key thing that we were able to show the prosecutor and judge was that he was not and likely never would be a danger to the community related to preying on children.

Once this was established, it was then a matter of figuring out what a fit punishment would deter him from being involved in this again and, of course, keep him from a long federal prison sentence.

There are several different strategies for convincing the prosecutor and judge that a client will not be a recidivist and will never again engage in the subject behavior. The strategy depends on the client and their legal situation.

In figuring out how to argue for no prison or a minimal sentence, the client's personal history is certainly relevant, combined with the facts of the current case and, of course, having an expert psychiatrist weigh in on the person's history and likelihood of repeating his behavior are essential components of a solid argument in a child pornography case in federal court.

Once everything is lined up and your sentencing position is filed, along with letters from the client's family and other mitigating factors that make sense, given the client's background, we will be in a position to achieve the best possible result.

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Hedding Law Firm is committed to answering your questions about state or federal sex crime issues in California and throughout the United States.

I'll privately discuss your case with you at your convenience. All consultations are free, discreet, and confidential. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
