Penal Code 261 PC - Rape Laws in California
California Penal Code 261 PC defines the felony sex crime of rape as using force, fear, threats, or fraud to have non-consensual sexual intercourse with someone who is not their spouse.
“Sexual intercourse” is any penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or genitalia by the penis, and ejaculation is not required. Simply put, rape means to have sexual intercourse with someone who does not consent to it, and it is also called “sexual assault.”
A conviction for PC 261 rape carries up to eight years in a California state prison and mandatory sex offender registration for life. Under California law, unlawful sexual intercourse can occur when the act is against someone's will or without their consent.
This means a prosecutor can file Penal Code 261 rape charges when you have sexual intercourse with another person and other specific factors are met. Notably, rape does not always involve physical force but could occur in many ways, such as through intoxication, unconsciousness, or mental incapacity, among others.
- When a victim is prevented from resisting by any intoxicating, anesthetic, or controlled substance, the defendant was aware of this condition as defined under PC 261(a)(3).
- When a victim is unconscious of the nature of the act, which means they were incapable of resisting because the victim is asleep, threatened, unconscious, defined under PC 261(a)(4).
- When a victim is incapable, because of a mental disorder or developmental or physical disability, of giving consent, and this was known or should have been reasonably known by the defendant defined under PC 261(a)(1).
- When a defendant claims they will retaliate against the victim or someone else if they do not comply, such as physically harming them, defined under PC 261(a)(6).
- When a defendant pretends to be someone else, and the victim reasonably believes the lie, defined under PC 261(a)(5).
- When a defendant threatens to have the victim arrested, jailed, or deported, and they reasonably believe you are a public official who can carry out this threat, defined under PC 261(a)(7).
In other words, Penal Code 261 PC rape charges can be filed in a situation when the illegal act was accomplished not just using force but also when someone used duress, fear of arm or retaliation, threats, fraud, or trickery.
What is the Definition of Rape in California?
The felony sex crime of rape is defined under California Penal Code 261(a) PC as “Rape is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished under certain circumstances.”
The PC 261 definition list several situations when non-consensual sexual intercourse could lead to rape charges being filed, such as the following:
- The use of actual physical force or violence to overcome the victim's will.
- Forcible or violent rape, such as physically holding the victim down or hurting them if they resist.
- Through fear of physical bodily harm or retaliation, which means making threats to kidnap or inflict a serious bodily injury or death on the victim.
- Through duress, which means an implied or direct threat to coerce someone into a sexual act they would not otherwise do.
- Through menace, an act or threat that clearly shows an intent to cause physical injury to the victim.
- Through fraud, which means the use of deceitful tactics or trickery to persuade someone to engage in sexual intercourse.
The most common allegation of rape is under PC 261(a)(2) rape by force or fear. To convict, the district attorney must prove the defendant had sexual intercourse with a woman who did not consent and that the defendant used force, fear, or threats to accomplish the sexual intercourse.
What is Consent?
A crucial factor in rape cases under Penal Code 261 is that the alleged victim does not consent to having sexual intercourse. To consent, someone must act:
- Voluntarily,
- Freely and
- Know the nature of the act.
Simply put, “consent” is cooperating in an act or exercise of free will. Notably, some people are not capable of legally consenting to having sex, regardless of what they might verbally say or do, such as the following:
- People who are severely intoxicated,
- People who are unconscious or asleep,
- People with a mental illness.
The issue of consent is often an issue in rape allegations. A judge will review the circumstances to determine whether the alleged victim gave sexual consent. Notably, the victim does not have to resist communicating a lack of consent physically.
Sometimes in rape allegations, there is the issue of a sexual partner who initially gave consent changing their mind while in the middle of having sexual intercourse.
In the context of rape allegations, a significant issue can arise when a sexual partner who initially consented to intercourse changes their mind during the act. If your partner decides they no longer want to engage in sexual intercourse, they must communicate this to you. If they do, you are legally obligated to stop immediately, or you could potentially face PC 261 rape charges.
What Factors Must Be Proven for a Rape Conviction?
For a prosecutor to convict a defendant of rape under Penal Code 261 PC, they must prove all the elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt, which will vary based on case details. Still, the most common factors include the following:
- The defendant engaged in sexual intercourse with a victim, not their spouse,
- The victim did not consent to engage in sexual intercourse,
- The defendant used force, violence, duress, fear, or fraud to accomplish the act.
Complete penetration of the vagina with the penis is not required to be convicted of PC 261 rape. Even slight penetration is sufficient, and it does not matter if the defendant ejaculated.
What are the Penalties for a Penal Code 261 Rape?
If convicted of the felony crime of PC 261 rape in California, the punishments will include the following:
- Three, six, or eight years in a state prison,
- Felony probation,
- Sex offender registration for life.
If the victim was a minor under 13 years old, it's punishable by:
- 13 years in state prison.
If the victim was a minor under 14 years old, it's punishable by the following:
- Nine, 11, or 13 years in prison.
If the victim was a minor between 14 and 17 years old, it's punishable by:
- Seven, nine, or 11 years in state prison.
If the victim suffered a great bodily injury (GBI) in the commission of the rape, it's punishable by:
- An additional 3 to 5 years in state prison.
A probation sentence in a rape case is a period of supervision instead of prison. In some rape cases, it might be possible to qualify for a probation sentence, with or without a jail sentence, but it would require exceptional circumstances.

Notably, additional penalties for a Penal Code 261 rape conviction are a fine of up to $10,000 and a “strike” under the California Three-Strikes Law.
In most rape convictions, a defendant will face a mandatory requirement to register as a three-tier sex offender for life, defined under California Penal Code 290 PC.
Further, since rape is a crime involving moral turpitude, an undocumented immigrant could face deportation or denial of entry into the United States. Foreigners with rape convictions are considered inadmissible and may not enter the country. A felony conviction in California will result in the loss of your right to own or possess a firearm.
In California, sexual assault victims can file a personal injury lawsuit against their alleged rapists for damages such as medical bills, psychological counseling, lost wages and lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, and punitive damages.
What are Related Crimes for PC 261 Rape?
Several California crimes are related to Penal Code 261 PC rape, including the following:
- Penal Code 243.4 PC sexual battery - touching someone's intimate parts for sexual gratification, arousal, or abuse.
- Penal Code 261.5 PC statutory rape - consensual sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 18.
- Penal Code 287 PC oral copulation by force or fear - non-consensual contact between someone's mouth and someone's genitals or anus.
- Penal Code 287(i) PC oral copulation of an intoxicated person - It's a crime to perform oral copulation on someone too intoxicated to consent.
- Penal Code 287 PC oral copulation with a minor - making contact between the mouth of one person with the penis, vagina, or anus of another who is under the age of 18.
- Penal Code 289 PC forcible penetration with a foreign object - putting an object into someone's vagina or anus by force or violence without consent.
- Penal Code 286 PC sodomy - sexual contact between the penis and the anus of another when done with a minor or without consent.
- Penal Code 422 PC criminal threats - making threats of death or great bodily injury intended to place victims in reasonable and sustained fear.
- Penal Code 220 PC assault with intent to commit a felony - assaulting someone with the further intent to commit a serious sex crime.
- Penal Code 261(a)(1) PC sexual assault of the mentally disabled - sexual intercourse with a victim unable to consent due to an intellectual disability.
- Penal Code 261(a)(3) PC sexual assault of a person incapable of consent - sexual intercourse with a victim unable to consent because they are unconscious, intoxicated, or unable to know what they are doing.
- Penal Code 261(a)(5) PC sexual assault by fraud or artifice - deceiving a victim to have sexual intercourse.
What are the Defenses Against Rape Charges?
Suppose you were arrested and charged with rape in violation of Penal Code 261 PC. In that case, our California sex crime defense lawyers can use different strategies to fight the case, such as the following:
- The alleged victim gave you consent,
- No sexual intercourse occurred,
- Insufficient evidence for a conviction,
- False allegation.
Typically, the most crucial factor in the prosecution of rape cases is related to the issue of consent. Perhaps we can make a reasonable argument that sexual intercourse was consensual, which is a complete defense.

You are not guilty if you actually and reasonably believed that the other person consented to the intercourse. We might be able to prove there was consent by cross-examination of the alleged victim.
Also, PC 261 charges only apply if you and the alleged victim had sexual intercourse. Perhaps we can argue that while you did engage in sexual activity, it did not include intercourse.
Often rape cases are difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, and the prosecutor is willing to reduce the charges or dismiss the case. In other words, we could say there is insufficient evidence that sexual intercourse even occurred.
Sometimes, a defendant is falsely accused of rape by someone motivated by jealousy, revenge, or anger. Perhaps the accuser and defendant were recently involved in an ugly relationship breakup, and we can show texts or emails to support this position.
Perhaps we can negotiate with the police detective and the district attorney through prefiling intervention to avoid formal criminal charges, known as a “DA reject.” Contact us for more information. The Hedding Law Firm is based in Los Angeles, CA.
Related Content:
- One Strike Law
- Statute of Limitations
- California Penal Code 261 PC
- CALCRIM No. 1000. Rape by Force, Fear, or Threats
- CALCRIM No. 1001. Rape in Concert
- CALCRIM No. 1002. Rape of Intoxicated Woman
- CALCRIM No. 1194. Consent: Prior Sexual Intercourse
- People v. Ireland, 188 Cal.App.4th 328 (2010)
- People v. Williams, 4 Cal.4th 354 (1992)
- People v. Barnes, 42 Cal.3d 284 (1986)