What Factors Determine Whether an Encounter with Someone is Rape or Consensual Sex? The serious felony crime of rape is described under California Penal Code 261 PC as non-consensual sexual intercourse by force, threats, or fraud.
A rape conviction is punishable by up to 8 years in prison, and there is a requirement to register as a PC 290 sex offender for life.
To be charged with rape, you don't always have to use physical force to complete the act of sexual intercourse, for example:
- victim was unconscious,
- victim was not able to consent due to intoxication,
- victim had a mental illness incapable of giving consent.
This means you can be charged with PC 261 rape when sexual intercourse occurs against someone's will or without consent.
Rape charges can also be filed if the act was completed using coercion, fear of bodily harm, retaliation, or fraud.
Our Los Angeles sex crime defense lawyers provide a detailed review below for more information.
Definition of Penal Code 261 PC Rape
California Penal Code 261 PC defines the crime of rape as follows:
- “The act of sexual intercourse that was accomplished with someone who is not the spouse of the perpetrator, under certain circumstances.”
The statute describes numerous situations where sexual intercourse could end up with rape charges being filed, such as:
- use of physical force or violence to overtake victim,
- use of coercion which is a threat that is sufficient to coerce them into sexual intercourse,
- menace which is a threat or acts showing intent to cause injury,
- fear of bodily harm or retaliation meaning threats to commit kidnapping, imprison, or cause victim severe injury or death,
- fraud means using trickery or deceit to convince the victim to engage in sexual intercourse.
The common theme of PC 261 is to prohibit sexual intercourse without the consent of both parties.

Most rape charges are filed when there is some force or violence, but many others are due to other reasons.
Lack of consent
It's considered a lack of consent when the victim cannot give consent due to intoxication, lack of consciousness, or a mental illness.
Further, anyone who gives initial consent to having sexual intercourse can change their mind during sex and no longer provide support.
Legally, consent means cooperation in an act or attitude as an exercise of free will.
Related California crimes
- Penal Code 261.5 PC – statutory rape,
- Penal Code 262 PC – spousal rape,
- Penal Code 287 PC – forced oral copulation,
- Penal Code 289 PC – forcible penetration with a foreign object,
- Penal Code 243.4 – sexual battery.
Factors that Determine Rape Charges
This is the battle when it comes to these rape cases that are filed in Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, all over California.
I've handled these cases for the last 30 years. I've seen cases where someone is arrested, and they don't get filed because we did the challenging investigation to make sure the prosecutors knew that they had a weak point.
I've seen cases that have been filed and then later end up getting dismissed by the judge after a preliminary hearing, and of course, I've handled cases where there have been not-guilty verdicts.
I've also seen cases where people get convicted or worked out deals. So, I have a pretty good idea about what factors determine when:
- you get yourself involved with another person,
- have an encounter with them,
- maybe it's through a dating App or some other means, and
- then you end up having sex with them, and the next thing you know, you're being accused of raping them.
One big issue that comes up is intoxication. Sometimes the woman will end up getting intoxicated, either by way of alcohol or drugs, claiming that something's been slipped in her drink, and then she ends up realizing that she had sex.
She feels like she was unconscious when she had sex with the person, and therefore, the person took advantage of her.
That's one of the significant factors that come up. Many times, my clients have told me, “I was drunk too, so if we're both drunk and everything's going smoothly, and nobody's crying, yelling, screaming, fighting, running away, and we end up having sex, how do I get blamed for it?
Why am I the person who took advantage of the other party?”
Pretext phone call
Of course, the police will look at the surrounding circumstances of the case.

Often, what I see happening in that scenario when you're talking about rape versus whether it was consensual is that the alleged victim will make a phone call that the police tape record and accuse the person of doing something wrong. The person does or says something that acknowledges that they know they did something wrong; that's a tacit admission of guilt.
They have it tape-recorded. That's called a pretext phone call. That happens all the time.
Text message
Another scenario that I see is when sometime after the sexual encounter, the woman sends a text message to the other party, accusing the other party of raping them.
Then, the person says, for example, “I'm so sorry; I don't know what came over me” or claims they were drunk or whatever the case may be, versus saying, “wait a minute, I didn't do anything. I didn't rape you.
What are you talking about? It was consensual. You agreed. I agreed. We were both drunk. We were both kissing.”
Review of Overall Circumstances in Rape Cases
So, you have to look at the circumstances of the case, and that's really what's going to break the tie between a consensual sexual encounter versus a non-consensual rape-type situation. Of course, your attorney is crucial in that because some of these cases could go either way.
Sometimes there are arguments on both sides. Sometimes the prosecutors see that you're doing or saying something that an average innocent person wouldn't do. Sometimes, your defense attorney sees that the alleged victim is doing stuff that a victim would not normally do.
So, you have to put that together, make our argument, get your theory of the case.
So, in many of these cases, if the client claims that they're innocent, they go to trial because sometimes there's evidence on both sides and a jury has to decide.
That's why you have to have a seasoned trial attorney who knows what they're going and who has handled these types of cases.
Review of Best Defense Strategy for Rape Case
I suggest, if you're looking for somebody like that, you check out my reviews, my videos and come and meet with me. I've been doing this a long time. I've done many successful trials.
Part of it is, not only do I have experience, but I'm accurate with the client, and I'm good at what I do, and I have a good feel for when a case can be won and when a case can be lost.
Often, you can win these cases where somebody's being charged with rape, and it's a consensual situation, and there's some reason that the alleged victim is accusing the other person.

Perhaps their boyfriend finds out they had sex with another person, and now they have to come up with an excuse. You wouldn't think somebody would do that, but I've seen it on countless occasions.
So, you have to evaluate the evidence on both sides, and then you decide, ultimately, whether or not you want to roll the dice against the prosecutors.
But, if you do want to roll the dice against the prosecutors and you're indicating that you're innocent, I suggest you do fight the case all the way if you're clear and didn't do anything wrong.
You want to have a warrior by your side who's handled many cases like yours and had success.
You've taken the first step. You've landed on this website. You've checked out this information. Now, take the next step. Pick up the phone and ask for a meeting with Ron Hedding.
I have a pretty good perspective on how these cases are dealt with, how they're handled, and what can be done to win them.
Hedding Law Firm is located at 16000 Ventura Blvd #1208 Encino, CA 91436. Our law firm offers a free case evaluation at (213) 374-3952.
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