Pro-Active Steps to Defend Yourself
What to do if You Realize The Police are investigating you for a Sex Crime Case in Los Angeles?
The police investigate sex crime cases all the time, and sometimes people get wind of the fact that there will be an investigation.
Either the alleged victim tells them, or maybe they realize they've done something wrong, and eventually, the police will come and ask them questions and try to get them to make statements to incriminate themselves.
What you should do is hire an attorney immediately. What I have you do is come in, we sit down and go over everything. What you say is protected by the attorney-client privilege.
Then I can set up a plan for you on exactly how we'll move forward with the defense of your case.
Waiting and hoping is not a good answer when you're facing a sex crime case and you're facing prison and lifetime registration as a sex offender and going on the internet under Megan's Law.

You need to take proactive steps to protect yourself and defend yourself.
So, the first move is to come and sit down with me. Bring whatever evidence there is against you so that we can talk about it and decide what the best course of action is. There are things you can do pre-filing, in other words:
- before the case is filed against you to either defend yourself, or
- mitigate the circumstances.
So, if you find out there's a sex crime investigation, you're concerned that you're going to get arrested, not going to be able to get out of custody, and you're going to be embarrassed.
They're going to come to your home where your loved ones are, or neighbors are, or if they're going to go to your job and grab you and embarrass you, then you've got to get an attorney right away.
Hire a Defense Lawyer Immediately
I can do a lot of times to reach out to law enforcement — reach out to the prosecutors if those guys are actively involved in your case.
You've got my name and cellphone number, and that way, if the police do come knocking, I can be ready to help you, having knowledge of your case and knowing precisely what we need to do to defend you properly.
Waiting is not the answer. Doing is the answer. Hiring an attorney right away is crucial if you want to end up with the best result related to a sex crime defense.
Once we sit down, we will decide if there's an investigation that we need to do on our end. Perhaps I need to get my investigator to go and talk to witnesses related to the case.
Maybe it's a situation where we need to lay low, do nothing, and say nothing. If you hire an attorney right off the top, once the police come and try to talk to you, instead of doing or saying something that might incriminate you, you're able to say, I have an attorney.
He's my family attorney. Here's his business card. I'm not making any statements on my attorney's advice. Please talk to him about it, and then I can get involved.
Don't Make Any Statements to Police
I can talk to the police and the prosecutors and find out exactly what's going on, so at least you have the peace of mind of knowing:

- (1) what you're facing; and
- (2) when it might become.
These are some of the most horrible things related to sex crime cases in Los Angeles — that is, you don't know when it's coming.
You don't know when they're going to come and grab you. You want to be prepared to defend yourself when it comes to a sex crime case properly.
So, if you or a loved one is concerned you might be arrested, pick up the phone. Ask for a meeting with Ronald Hedding.
I've been doing this for almost 30 years. I'll know what to do. I'll know what steps to take to get you the best possible result.
Hedding Law Firm is a criminal defense law firm located in Los Angeles County at 16000 Ventura Blvd #1208 Encino, CA 91436.
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