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Lewd Acts by a Caretaker Upon Dependant Adult

Posted by Ronald D. Hedding | Oct 29, 2020

We see this once in a while with people in the hospital or a nursing home.  Someone older, someone who's incapacitated somehow, and another person is allegedly taking advantage of them.

California Penal Code 288(b)(2) defines lewd acts by a caretaker toward a dependent adult, a serious legal offense that requires immediate attention and expert legal representation.

It could occur by sexually touching them, having sex with them — there are all sorts of things that can go on.  Maybe a co-worker catches the person.  Perhaps it's videotaped, or maybe the assault or sexual battery victim sexual battery ends up alerting authorities.

The bottom line is this: prosecutors, judges, and even the police do not like these cases, and they will treat the defendant very harshly in these cases because they feel that the person who is being taken advantage of cannot protect themselves or fend for themselves, so it's their job to protect that person.

Registration as a Sex Offender in California

So, if you or a loved one is charged with some sexual conduct against a dependent adult, someone who's in a:

Lewd Acts by a Caretaker Upon a Dependent Adult - Penal Code 288(b)(2)
  • hospital;
  • nursing home;
  • who's in a position where they cannot defend themselves.

Then please get somebody like me involved. I've worked for the District Attorney's office, for a Superior Court Judge, and as a criminal defense attorney defending these types of cases for the last 26 years.

Because if you don't, you or your loved one will end up in a world of hurt.  You're going to end up going to prison, registering as a sex offender for the rest of your life — your entire life and world will be turned upside down. This is not a situation to be taken lightly.

The prosecutors have a lot of power in these types of offenses.  They've got the juries on their side.  They've got the judges on their side.

Retain an Experienced Lawyer Immediately

So, it would help if you had a defense attorney on your side who has been down this road that you're about to travel, had success, and helped their clients. Sometimes, you have not done anything wrong, and you need to be defended.

Just because you're innocent doesn't mean you're going to be found innocent.  That's the unfortunate thing.  It would help if you had an attorney by your side.  It would help if you had a champion.

It would help if you had somebody that could fight for you.  If you're guilty, you're going to need somebody as well.  Just because you may be guilty of doing something wrong doesn't necessarily mean you should be sent to prison for the rest of your life or some long prison sentence where you don't get out for a long time.

You have a right to be defended.  There will always be mitigating circumstances that need to be presented to the judge the mitigating cases that need to be given to the judge, the jury, and the prosecutor.  The only one who will do that effectively is your defense attorney, who will ensure your rights are protected and your case is presented in the best possible light.

Contact the Hedding Law Firm for Help

So, if you need help or your loved one needs help, and they're in the wrong position because they've touched someone in a vulnerable position, a hospital, a nursing home,  whatever the case may be, pick up the phone.

Contact the Hedding Law Firm to review the details of your sex crime case.

Make the call.  Ask to speak to Ron Hedding.  We'll get the ball moving in the right direction so you can get out of the criminal justice system as fast as possible.

Hedding Law Firm is a criminal defense law firm located in Los Angeles County at 16000 Ventura Blvd #1208 Encino, CA 91436. Call (213) 542-0979 for a free case evaluation.

About the Author

Ronald D. Hedding

What Makes Ronald Hedding Uniquely Qualified To Represent You? I've been practicing criminal defense for almost 30 years and have handled thousands of cases, including all types of state and federal sex crime cases. All consultations are discreet and confidential.

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Hedding Law Firm is committed to answering your questions about state or federal sex crime issues in California and throughout the United States.

I'll privately discuss your case with you at your convenience. All consultations are free, discreet, and confidential. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
